Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Florida State 34, GGSM{LA-Monroe} 0

September 3--It's September, and that means the return of Sun Belt football action! Sixth-ranked Florida State invited LA-Monroe, wearers of the Golden Gopher Shame Mask, over to help them kick off the season with a warm up. For half a quarter, the FSU got a little more than they bargained for. The Warhawks defense held the Seminoles to just three-and-out on their first two drives, with four rushes for 6 yards and two incomplete passes. FSU kicked it into gear on their third drive with a touchdown, and they never looked back. To their credit, the Warhawks did outrush the Seminoles 98 yards to 92 although they did need eleven more rushes to do it. LA-Monroe welcomes I-AA Grambling State to Monroe next week, and so it looks like they'll spend another week in the Shame Mask.


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